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Sharing the Ride

In the edit earlier this week from Austin I mentioned that they were working on a cable cam. Well here is the first results from that cam. The setup and filming was all done by Octavio Ortuna. Country Mike had this to say about Octavio, "He has been working on this edit for quite some time and he did a hell of a job IMO. He spends all of his time taking pics of all of the crew and is so dedicated to it that he doesn't get to ride much. I just wanted to give him some recognition and to say thanks for the work he does and that he is not taken for granted." Thanks from all of us Octavio and to everyone who puts their bike down and picks up a camera. 

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Reader Comments (1)

Awesome! Great Idea. Great Video. Enjoyed it!

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjohn
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